Saturday, November 22, 2003

Just for you Arfur - genetically engineered fish that glow flourescent red!
posted by Mark 6:53 PM

This one was meant to be on here as a Halloween link. Still, better late than never - you can always bookmark it for next year . . .
posted by Mark 6:46 PM

This link may not be child-friendly (depending on your child, I suppose), so be warned. It's an article in the ever-reliable Guardian about Expletive deleted.

It has been taboo for more than 500 years. But from fcuk to Four Weddings and a Funeral, the f-word has become so commonplace it now seems acceptable in everyday conversation. Is it no longer obscene?

Lots of naughty words (hence the warning above), but a good read.
posted by Mark 6:42 PM

Do you fancy an animated episode of Doctor Who, written by Douglas Adams? Of course you do! Deceptive website this one; it seems quite small until you get into it and realise it's much bigger than it looks. Now, where's my sonic screwdriver?
posted by Mark 6:29 PM

Myths Over Miami is a fascinating investigation into a strange folklore that has grown up among homeless children in America. The stories are remarkable, filled with the fire of the children's collective imagination and borrowing from all sorts of diverse influences. A thoroughly fine read.
posted by Mark 6:07 PM

Canon 3D Papercraft is a great collection of things you can make from paper. It's all designed to get you to use up ink of course, but some of these projects really do look like fun. I quite fancy the idea of a globe for my desk.
posted by Mark 5:59 PM

The Phobia Clinic has a huge (and quite entertaining) List Of All The Phobias on their suspiciously homogenous website. The site looks convincing enough, but I can't help wondering about a company who offer to cure me of Fear Of The Great Mole Rat or Fear Of Peanut Butter Sticking To The Roof Of The Mouth. And besides, all the pages are the same.
posted by Mark 5:43 PM

Rolling Stone have put the list of their 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time online, with an interesting information page for each of the top 50 entries. An interesting read; I was surprised how many I had never heard. Must try harder.
posted by Mark 5:24 PM

Friday, November 14, 2003

Here's a few that might come in handy: the National Safety Cameras: Hints and Tips page has lots of helpful information on it, including pictures of the mobile speed camera vans in use around the country and a useful guide to identifying types of camera's. This kind of thing is especially useful when you mix and match it with this listing of UK speed camera locations and this routeplanner that shows you all the speed cameras along the way.
posted by Mark 11:48 AM